Sunday, September 11, 2011

How Czech PHP Programmers Develop Web Applications

I was on the PHP unconference this weekend and I had offered this topic. Without a big surprise it wasn't scheduled, but thank you to all of you, who voted for this topic and not only for you there is a brief overview of what I wanted to talk about.

The Czech Republic is a small country, but there is a lot of interesting things what czech programmers and webdesign community do. Get inspired by frameworks, (not)ORMs and tools they use.

There was a survey on the most known online magazin in the webdevelopment community few months ago. I wanted to go through this article, but you can simply use google translator and you will probably understand most of it, or you can go through data overview in google docs (Raw data are linked in the article). Btw. do you know that NetBeans are made in the Czech Republic?

Then I wanted to show you some examples of "PHP software made in the Czech Republic"

Our (un)conferences
I want to invite you to next week (speakers/development) or czech barcamps (one is in Brno in October).

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